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Omagh County Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone

Year 1 have been busy!

20th Sep 2019

Year 1 have had another busy week! We have been exploring our topic 'All About Me' through play and were very excited to introduce 'Mandarin' and 'The Daily Mile' to our weekly timetable. The children were brilliant at remembering where to put their homework bag in the mornings and coped very well with staying to 2 o'clock.

We hope you enjoyed your first week of 'Gymnastics' and 'Soccer Club' after school. Remember, those children wishing to avail of 'After School Club' must pre-book through our school website.

Enjoy looking at some of our photographs together and talking about what is happening in them.

Have a great weekend Year 1, we look forward to hearing all your news on Monday!