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Omagh County Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone

Welcome to Year 2!

In Year 2 we love learning by being actively involved in lots of practical and challenging experiences! Our teachers are Mrs McFarland and Miss Doherty. Our assistants are Mrs Doherty, Mrs Stewart-King and Mr Beattie.

We hope you enjoy looking at our web page!

What we've been up to...

21st Jun 2024
All Primary 1 to Primary 7 children had a visit from the Dogs Trust this week.Paula...
21st Jun 2024
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the official opening of “The Hill at...
20th Jun 2024
On Tuesday and Wednesday last week, Primary 7 children accompanied Nursery,...
17th Jun 2024
P2 have been practising measuring using non-standard units such as multilink, paper...
13th Jun 2024
A little rain certainly didn't dampen the spirits at OCPS Summer Fair tonight. There...

Year 2 Classes


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