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Omagh County Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone

Welcome to Year 5!

In Year 5 we are always busy learning new things! Our learning is interactive, practical and enjoyable. Our teachers are Miss Lockington and Mr Beattie. Our classroom assistants are Mrs Roleston, Miss Hamilton, Miss Glass and Miss Shortt. 

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” 

Benjamin Franklin


What we've been up to...

24th Jun 2024
Well done to all our prize winners, including our Omagh Show Prize Winners. Prize...
21st Jun 2024
All Primary 1 to Primary 7 children had a visit from the Dogs Trust this week.Paula...
20th Jun 2024
Miss Lockington's Year 5 class have been busy this week creating their own Pharaoh...
13th Jun 2024
A little rain certainly didn't dampen the spirits at OCPS Summer Fair tonight. There...
7th Jun 2024
Today, Year 7 headed to Arleston Park for their Colour Run swiftly followed by the...

Year 5 Classes


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