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Omagh County Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone

Welcome to Year 6!

Our teachers are Mr Morgan and Mr Beattie. Our assistants are Miss Hamilton, Mrs Wilson, Mrs Stewart and Miss Sproule.


Please keep checking our page regularly for updates to see what we have been up to!

What we've been up to...

26th Jun 2024
The children from Miss Beattie's and Mr Morgan's class had a well-deserved reward...
24th Jun 2024
Well done to all our prize winners, including our Omagh Show Prize Winners. Prize...
23rd Jun 2024
Some photos of the recent football tournament held in honor of Rodney. The games...
21st Jun 2024
All Primary 1 to Primary 7 children had a visit from the Dogs Trust this week.Paula...
13th Jun 2024
A little rain certainly didn't dampen the spirits at OCPS Summer Fair tonight. There...

Year 6 Classes


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