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Omagh County Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone



Thank you for visiting our page- we hope you enjoy!

We have two Year One classes and our teachers are Ms Bunce and Mrs Pollock. We have lots of adults who help us in our classrooms, in the playground and in the dining hall.Mrs McGirr, Mrs MacNamee, Miss Andrea, Mrs Montgomery, Miss Gault, Mrs Adams, Mrs Preston and Mrs Williamson are the different names we will get to know over the course of the school year.

We know that young children learn best when learning is interactive, practical and enjoyable and therefore, all of the children who come to Year One in Omagh County Primary School are exposed to learning experiences that are well planned, diverse, challenging and above all else, fun!

We deliver the curriculum through a vast variety of approaches providing opportunities for the children to develop the skills they will need to become confident and independent.

In Year One, we believe that childhood is a journey, not a race. Children in Year One are nurtured, valued and secure. Their well-being is of supreme importance.


The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.

B.B. King

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Year 1 Classes


What we've been up to...

28th Jun 2024
It was treats galore in Year 1 this week to celebrate the busy year. All the boys...
24th Jun 2024
This first year of primary school is always a particularly special one and for the...
21st Jun 2024
All Primary 1 to Primary 7 children had a visit from the Dogs Trust this week.Paula...
21st Jun 2024
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the official opening of “The Hill at...
20th Jun 2024
On Tuesday and Wednesday last week, Primary 7 children accompanied Nursery,...

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