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Omagh County Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone

Sunshine and snacks in Year 1!

25th Apr 2024

Year 1 were very excited to see the sunshine return this week. As we continue to explore the theme of ‘spring’, the beautiful weather allowed us to get outside without quite so many layers! 

It was a real treat to receive an invitation from OHS Young Enterprise students. Armed with our £1 coins, we headed up the hill on Tuesday for a morning of food and fun. Mr Clarke and his team served us fruit, crackers and juice…yum yum! After fuelling up, we were ready for an extra long play session. The dry weather has transformed our outdoor learning space…digging took a lot more muscle power than usual! 

In class, we have been learning about frogs - we even had the opportunity to see some real tadpoles! Everyone has loved creating ‘froggy fact files’ and making model magic frogs. Can you spot any of our wonderful creations in our photographs? 

Caterpillar Diaries - We think our caterpillars are beginning to get into position for cocoons. I wonder what they will look like on Monday?