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Omagh County Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone

PSNI Visit Year 7 - Responsible Citizens

19th Jan 2017

On Monday 16th January a small detachment of local PSNI officers came to Year 7 to deliver a presentation on the theme of Responsible Citizens. Peter Thompson and Charlotte Nixon told us all about the role of the police in keeping us safe and how we can help make our communities better and more peaceful places to live.

Several pupils were hand-picked to model various items of police uniform, and Mr Morgan was briefly arrested and handcuffed before being released on good behaviour (and on the condition he let Year 7 off their vocabulary homework). Then we were all invited to have a good look around the police van - including trying out the sirens and lights!

Many thanks to the PSNI for coming along to visit us - hopefully we'll all keep our promise to be Responsible Citizens at home and in school!