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Omagh County Primary School, Omagh, County Tyrone

A Busy Start to 2022 in Mrs Crosbie's Room!

7th Jan 2022

Happy New Year! It has been a great start to the new year in Room 6! We have been busy bees! In our 4 day week we have been making learning fun. We have been looking at:

revising all upper and lower case letters

recognising the different ways to spell 'i' sound. Reading and spelling lots of tricky words with our target sound.

counting in groups of 2 in Mental Maths

revising o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to times

making 16 in lots of ways using a 'Bar Modelling' strategy and Numicon. We had to add 2 or 3 numbers together.

making New Year crowns

lots of fresh air and exercise to work off all those chocolate bars!

We had a great week doing lots of ACTIVE LEARNING!